Resource Center
The Housing Resource Center is located at 915 SW 3rd Avenue in Ontario. The Center supports the delivery of a wide variety of housing counseling services to home-buyers, homeowners, low- to moderate-income renters and the homeless. The primary objective of the program is to educate families and individuals in order to help them make smart decisions regarding improving their housing situation and meeting the responsibilities of tenancy and home ownership.
Community Resource Connections
Community in Action provides housing resources from homeless prevention to home ownership to enable households to access affordable housing opportunities. The goal of CinA’s housing center is to connect our community members with supportive community networks, resources and opportunities to ease obstacles interfering with their success.
Help for Renters and Homeless Prevention
Community in Action with support of its partner agencies, and the community, will serve homeless families and at-risk who have obstacles that prevent or imminently threatened their ability to obtain and/or maintain safe, decent, affordable housing that is appropriate for each household’s unique needs. Services provided may include financial assistance, budget counseling, landlord advocacy, and linkages to community agencies that will provide services sufficient to enable the family to obtain and maintain permanent housing. Service will be provided in a manner that enhances the family’s stability, respects the family’s uniqueness, and enables the family to establish and maintain a permanent home.
Income Guidelines
Eligibility Requirements – How to Apply
Click here to see eligibility requirements and how to apply
Help for Home Buyers and Home Owners
Housing Resource Center provides credit and mortgage counseling to potential home-buyers, along with foreclosure counseling to struggling homeowners.
Talk to one of our certified coaches or teachers to find out how you can save money and make the most of your investment. We offer:
* Must meet income requirements to qualify for these programs
The Community in Action Housing Resource Center can connect you with a variety of workshops, programs and services to help you buy, maintain and sustain your home for years to come. Call or email us today to talk with one of our helpful coaches.
Community in Action provides housing resources from homeless prevention to home ownership to enable households to access affordable housing opportunities. The goal of CinA’s housing center is to connect our community members with supportive community networks, resources and opportunities to ease obstacles interfering with their success. Our Community Resource Connections page contains guides and links to additional local, state and federal information and tools to assist families and individuals in achieving their goals.
Education & Training
Community in Action is in process of providing training and education opportunities. Please check back for schedules on the following:
- Ready to Rent
- Financial Fitness
- Credit Counseling
Access to Financial Assistance for foreclosure prevention CinA is an intake agent for Oregon’s Hardest Hit foreclosure prevention financial assistance programs provided by Oregon Housing Stabilization Initiative (OHSI). For more information on the programs, including eligibility and how to apply, visit OHSI’s website at www.oregonhomeownerhelp.org.