Our Programs
Community in Action operates programs designed to alleviate poverty. CinA has four main service areas that include:
Weatherization Programs
Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization programs are designed to provide energy efficiency measures to homes of low-income clients. The goal is to reduce energy burdens on the occupants, provide health and safety measures, and to help low-income clients reduce energy consumption when possible.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Programs (LIHEAP) Weatherization Programs are designed to provide energy efficiency measures to homes of low-income clients. The goal is similar to DOE and LIHEAP funding is leveraged with DOE to stretch these resources.
Residential Rehabilitation Grant/Loan Programs are designed to provide grants that have no repayment or no interest and no payment loans to qualified low-moderate income homeowners. The program provides funding to address home repairs, energy conservation, health and safety concerns, including but not limited to lead abatement, roofing, electrical and plumbing and other issues that the homeowner needs to have addressed.
Fee for service weatherization programs as designed to provide energy efficiency measures to homes of people who do not income qualify. These homes may require a variety of services including health and safety measures, energy education, energy efficiency measures designed to lower their heating and cooling bills.
Housing Programs
Housing programs can provide a wide array of assistance to clients in need. These services range from crisis alleviation to permanent housing placement. Many housing programs include case management and supportive services designed to help a client overcome barriers to housing.
CinA manages grants through OHCS and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Each program addresses a different symptom of poverty regarding housing needs.
CinA manages housing grants that are passed through to sub-recipient agencies. These agencies work with specific types of clients including homeless youth, domestic violence, and clients in transitional situations.
Landlord Association and community supports provide resources to clients who are searching for housing. They also work with CinA to assist clients when they have identified housing.
Regional Housing Center provides resources for clients who are seeking housing, need to utilize computers to work on their budgets, or who need assistance from staff.
Collaborations with community based partners are important as the housing grants tend to be small and very specialized. This requires staff in both counties and partnering with entities such as Harney County Senior and Community Services Center and Housing Authority of Malheur County for services in Harney County that will give both entities the ability to conduct work while combining staff.
Energy Assistance Programs
Energy Assistance Programs (EA) provides assistance for low-income clients who need assistance with utility bill payment assistance, furnace repair and replacements, and health and safety measures. Energy Assistance is offered to priority clients first addressing seniors and people with disabilities, second addressing families with children under the age of six, then addressing the general population, if funding permits.
Energy Education is offered to the same clients who receive energy assistance. This can be offered at the desk-side during the intake process. It is designed to inform clients on how they can reduce their energy costs. CinA may also give out various energy saving products designed to assist clients in saving energy and avoid higher energy costs.
Community Services Block Grant Programs
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) support programs include a wide range of community based programs. CSBG is a flexible grant fund that can fill in to provide services tailored to a community or specific need.
Volunteer Services are coordinated utilizing CSBG funding. These programs include:
- Managing 2 local food pantries in Malheur County, which are supported by volunteers.
- Community Garden in Harney County, which also is supported by volunteers.
Financial support of local agencies that provide services to low-income clients. This includes an MOU with the following community based organizations:
- Oregon Food Bank – Southeast Oregon Services
- Harvest House Missions
- Boys & Girls Club of Western Treasure Valley
- Harney County Senior & Community Services Center
- Housing Authority of Malheur County
Community supports include working with Drug Free Coalitions, organizations designed to promote healthy youth, and support of other non-profit entities that are designed to make the communities better places to live.
The Housing Resource Center is located at 915 SW 3rd Avenue in Ontario. The Center supports the delivery of a wide variety of housing counseling services to home-buyers, homeowners, low- to moderate-income renters and the homeless. The primary objective of the program is to educate families and individuals in order to help them make smart decisions regarding improving their housing situation and meeting the responsibilities of tenancy and home ownership.